special needs – Mother's Choice https://www.motherschoice.org Every child in a loving family Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:32:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 https://www.motherschoice.org/app/uploads/2016/12/cropped-share-logo-mc-32x32.png special needs – Mother's Choice https://www.motherschoice.org 32 32 Broken bones, unbreakable spirit https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2017/05/17/broken-bones-unbreakable-spirit/ https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2017/05/17/broken-bones-unbreakable-spirit/#respond Wed, 17 May 2017 03:00:57 +0000 http://www.motherschoice.org/?p=1604 Continued]]> We were honored to welcome some very special guests from the Home of Loving Faithfulness (HOLF), who came to share their story with our Mother’s Choice team at our December Family Lunch. 24-year-old Matthew, and his Mom, Tracy, both work together at the HOLF, which is a home for children and adults with special needs.

Matthew has a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, known as brittle bone disease, which means his fragile bones can break easily. To give you an idea of just how fragile Matthew’s bones are, even something as minor as sneezing or going over a speed bump can cause his bones to break. At three months old, Matthew was placed for adoption and came to live at the Mother’s Choice Child Care Home until he was three years old, when he moved to HOLF.

Tracy met Matthew at HOLF, where she was a full-time volunteer, and she always loved talking and laughing with little Matthew. When Tracy first met Matthew, his bed and chair had big signs saying “Do Not Touch”, because everyone was afraid that the simple act of picking Matthew up would break his bones. Tracy could see that despite his medical conditions, this little boy longed to be held and cuddled just like any other child, so when no one else was looking, she would carefully pick Matthew out of his bed and dance around the room with him, and they would laugh and giggle together. She fell in love with this beautiful young boy, and soon made the decision to adopt Matthew, because she knew that even as a single mother, she knew she had the love and commitment to give Matthew a forever family.

Matthew now works alongside his Mom, and together they oversee management of the Home of Loving Faithfulness. We are so encouraged by Matthew’s story, and his desire to give back to the community and speak out for kids like himself. Our staff were all deeply moved by the sweet Mother and Son relationship that they have—one built on unconditional love that transcends blood relations or any disability!

Matthew is an incredibly inspirational speaker, and he reminded us that we are not defined by our limitations or challenges. As a child who once didn’t have a family, he also reminded us that it is the desire of every child to be in a family. Matthew’s story encourages us to continue pursuing our vision, and to not give up until every child is in a safe, loving, and permanent family.

“My dream is to be a voice for the voiceless”

-Matthew Pattrick

Watch Matthew’s video, here!

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John Kevin: Defying the Odds https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2016/12/13/john-kevin-defying-the-odds/ https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2016/12/13/john-kevin-defying-the-odds/#respond Tue, 13 Dec 2016 08:59:01 +0000 http://www.motherschoice.org/?p=1598 Continued]]> We first met Kevin when he was a very sick little boy – in hospital after having brain surgery. At the time, we did not have the resources to care for him. When Kevin was two years old, he was still living in the hospital. We knew that Mother’s Choice was the home that we needed, and we welcomed him to Wee Care, our home for children with special needs.

Despite his scary diagnosis and notes from the doctor that he was severely disabled, Kevin grew and flourished before our eyes. He was given so much love by staff and volunteers. He won all of our hearts with his amazing smile and his incredible courage. With every step, he reminded us that he was never going to give up hope of having a family of his own, and neither should we!

When Kevin was four years old, he was adopted by his forever family. He loves his Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters. Kevin’s name is now John, and he is a very loved and treasured son and brother.

Watch John Kevin’s full story, here:

Kevin embodies our message of hope. He inspires us, and its kids like him that remind us to keep advocating on their behalf so that every child can be in a loving family.

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