義工感謝月2021 – Mother's Choice https://www.motherschoice.org Every child in a loving family Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:32:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 https://www.motherschoice.org/app/uploads/2016/12/cropped-share-logo-mc-32x32.png 義工感謝月2021 – Mother's Choice https://www.motherschoice.org 32 32 Secret Surprises Of Being A Mother’s Choice Volunteer https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/30/secret-surprises-we-get-as-mothers-choice-volunteers/ https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/30/secret-surprises-we-get-as-mothers-choice-volunteers/#respond Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:14:58 +0000 https://www.motherschoice.org/?p=6977 Continued]]>

Phyllis Marwah, Volunteer & Co-Founder, Mother’s Choice


Hi! My name is Phyllis Marwah. I’ve actually been a volunteer at Mother’s Choice since 1986 – from the very beginning! There are a few “secret surprises” that as a volunteer you will have when you come to Mother’s Choice. I’d like to share some with you.

The first one is: You always come to Mother’s Choice expecting tragedy. But the surprise is you get to experience and participate in miracles!

The second would be is that you become really aware of your humanity and other people’s humanity! You’re exposed to people and children, and young girls that didn’t have the opportunity that you have in life. And so you become very aware that not everyone has the same privileges as that you have.

The third secret surprise that you will get as a volunteer at Mother’s Choice is that every day you will leave with a sense of fulfillment, that you have made a difference in somebody else’s life.

The other really big surprise that people find is that our capacity to love is much bigger than what we think! We think our love belongs only to our family. But actually, you can love people who are not your family and you can make a difference in their lives by giving them a second chance, by just being there for them.

Mother Teresa says: The problem with humanity is that we build our families too small. We need to expand what we think of as our family. Our community is actually our family!

And so this is a real big secret that volunteers have at Mother’s Choice is that: when you leave every day after being there, you feel just great! And you receive more love than you could ever think that you could give!


We think our love belongs only to our family. But actually, you can love people who are not your family and you can make a difference in their lives by giving them a second chance, by just being there for them.




Learn more about Mother’s Choice or how to become a volunteer on our team by joining the next Get To Know Mother’s Choice Info Session via Zoom.  Sign up here please.

https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/30/secret-surprises-we-get-as-mothers-choice-volunteers/feed/ 0
Celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Month 2021 https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/01/celebrate-volunteer-appreciation-month-2021/ https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/01/celebrate-volunteer-appreciation-month-2021/#respond Thu, 01 Apr 2021 03:37:37 +0000 https://www.motherschoice.org/?p=6635 Continued]]>


The past year was an extraordinarily challenging year for all of us because of COVID-19. The pandemic had a significant impact on all of our frontline services – children were stuck in the system waiting to join their forever families and girls facing crisis pregnancies dealt with even more complicated issues and trauma than ever before.

Despite the challenges, we at Mother’s Choice continue to have great hope for our city because of YOU!  We are so grateful for each of you, in particular those supporting our children at Child Care Home and girls at Pregnant Girls Services. Though our COVID outbreak policy meant dealing with more stringent safety measures and limited schedules, you continued to commit yourselves to take care of the vulnerable children and young girls we serve.


We have seen how powerful it is when our community, who come from all corners of Hong Kong and with many different skills, talents, and experiences, come together to respond to our needs. Everyone can and has made a difference, from students raising awareness of societal issues on their campuses, to professionals supporting our Early Intervention Services and building organizational capacity for Mother’s Choice.  YOU truly are making a difference to the life stories of the children, young girls and families that we support. Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and faithful service!


Each year, the month of April is dedicated to our volunteers, but due to the current situation, our planned series of appreciation events has to be postponed until we can gather more easily.  Even though we can’t meet in-person, please know how much we celebrate and appreciate you – each one of you is such a valuable part of our Mother’s Choice family…and family is the most powerful agent of change!

With a grateful heart,

Alia Eyres
CEO, Mother’s Choice





Learn more about Mother’s Choice or how to become a volunteer on our team by joining the next Get To Know Mother’s Choice Info Session via Zoom.  Sign up here please.


To see more stories from our volunteers, please visit:

You Make a Difference! Thank YOU!

I Was So Touched And Inspired!

I’m Interested To Help As A Volunteer!

Volunteering Gives Me Strength

No Matter What The Situation Is, There Is Hope

This World Will Be Better

Wait No More…

https://www.motherschoice.org/en/2021/04/01/celebrate-volunteer-appreciation-month-2021/feed/ 0