This Thanksgiving, We Are So Grateful For You

This is the story of a city’s kindness to the most vulnerable in our community. In 2020, a social media post shared our urgent need for diapers. We were hopeful and placed plastic bins outside Child Care Home. The next day, the diapers started to arrive, and kept coming … Continued

Positive Adoption Language

The way we talk, and the words we choose say a lot about what we think and value. When we use positive adoption language, we encourage and respect everyone involved in adoption, from the birth parents to adoptive parents, and most importantly, the child. Download our Po … Continued

Adoption: A Continual Renewal of Love

Thank you Hong Kong Council of Social Service for celebrating adoption as a wonderful and beautiful way to build a family! In this video, we hear from parents Derek and Angela, who built their family through adoption: “A child can feel your love from how you treat him. … Continued

What does it take to raise a child?

Over the years, we’ve learned a lot from working with children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong. Despite the challenges that they’re up against, we have hope for their future, because we know that it is in family – a safe, loving, and permanent famil … Continued