Hi, I’m Eunice from the Volunteer Engagement team. I would like to use this opportunity to thank all our wonderful volunteers for contributing their time and talents during this pandemic season. Even though there was a sharp spike of COVID cases lately in our community, we’ve gotten volunteers reaching out to us asking how they could do more. We are extremely grateful volunteers supporting us from all walks of life, ages, genders and nationalities. Here I would like to thank a group of young volunteers – our students. Students volunteer with us in two major capacities through participating in Youth Leadership Council and summer internship.

The Youth Leadership Council is a student-led platform enabling high school students to learn about social issues with us and make a difference in their school community. Last year, we had over 100 students from 8 schools ran a campaign to raise the awareness of adoption in their school. They used a variety of medium to get the school involved and unleashed their creativities to dispel the myths and misconceptions about adoption. Even though they were not directly involved with our services, the impact they have made in our community is huge.

Summer interns completed a variety of projects ranging from conducting complicated researches to preparing user manuals for our IT system, to archiving some invaluable documents and many many more. These are the projects we could not have done otherwise. Thank you so much for the time and commitment.

So, if you are a student and would like to make a difference in our community, we welcome you to join our Mother’s Choice Volunteer Family, thank you.

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