“I’m really proud of you, and I love you.”

Alia’s mother said to the young girl, and gave her a hug.

“Nobody has ever said ‘I love you’, and given me a hug, in my life.”

On this special day, Alia Eyres, CEO of Mother’s Choice, shares a story about love – a story between Mother’s Choice and vulnerable girls and children in our city.


Phoenix TV's Interview Program "Starface" featuring Alia Eyres鳳凰衛視《名人面對面》專訪 —— 艾利雅“I’m really proud of you, and I love you.” Alia’s mother said to the young girl, and gave her a hug. “Nobody has ever said ‘I love you’, and given me a hug, in my life.” — On this special day, Alia Eyres, CEO of Mother's Choice, shares a story about love – a story between Mother's Choice and vulnerable girls and children in our city. 「我以你為榮,我愛你。」 艾利雅的母親對女孩這樣說,並給了她一個擁抱。「在我的一生中,從來沒有人對我說過『我愛你』,和給過我一個擁抱。」— 適逢今天這個特別的節日,讓我們的行政總裁艾利雅來細說一個關於愛的故事 —— 「母親的抉擇」與弱勢少女和孩子之間的故事。

Posted by 母親的抉擇 Mother's Choice on Thursday, 16 January 2020

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